How Long Will It Take to Resolve My Pedestrian Accident Claim?

While drivers are expected to keep their eyes peeled for those on foot, many don’t take the proper precautions putting pedestrians’ lives at risk every time they’re behind the wheel. Thankfully, if you were hurt in an accident involving one of these negligent motorists, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages by filing a personal injury claim.

However, you may be wondering when you might get your hands on a settlement. While some claims are concluded in a matter of weeks, some can take months or even years. Let’s look at a few factors that might affect how your case unfolds:

1. The Severity of Your Injuries

In many situations, it’s unwise to accept a settlement offer until you’ve achieved maximum medical improvement (MMI). Typically, MMI is the point in your recovery where your condition isn’t expected to improve with further treatment. In some cases, that can mean you’ve made a full recovery; in others, you may be expected to live with health complications for the rest of your life.

Concluding negotiations before this point could leave you with a payout that doesn’t account for unexpected healthcare interventions, additional home modifications, or other unanticipated costs. As such, your attorney will likely advise you to wait until you’ve reached MMI before accepting the insurer’s offer. As a result, you might have to wait months—or even years—before your case is resolved.

2. The Strength of Your Evidence

Compelling evidence can turn the tides in your favor, fending off disputes and giving you a quick ride to the finish line of negotiations. However, if there are gaps in your case—i.e., there’s room to dispute liability, causation, or damages—you should expect the insurer to challenge your claim. Disputes during proceedings can lead to delays and—if you are unable to convince the claims adjuster otherwise—you may be left with no other option than to take your case to court.

3. The Number of Parties Involved

If you’ve named multiple liable parties in your claim, you may encounter delays. While this isn’t always the case, these parties may dispute how liability is apportioned, hitting the brakes on the progress of your case.

4. The Amount You Are Seeking

The insurer will be less inclined to dispute your claim if you’re not seeking a considerable sum. However, with a six- or seven-figure settlement on the table, you should expect to face stiff resistance from the claims adjuster. Ultimately, they need to protect their employer’s bottom line, so they’ll be looking for any reason to reduce how much they have to pay out, digging deep to unearth evidence that could be used to dispute your claim. Typically, such disputes will prolong proceedings.

Speak to a Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Las Vegas Today

Were you struck and injured by a negligent motorist? Turn to the attorneys at Maier Gutierrez & Associates to discuss your options. Our legal team can assess your claim as part of a free consultation, taking time to review your evidence and explain factors that might affect the timeline of your claim. Contact us today at 702-629-7900 or head over to our contact form HERE to request a case review with a Nevada pedestrian accident attorney.