4 Signs You Might Have Grounds to File a Slip and Fall Claim

Whether you’re running to the store or heading out for a night out on the town, you never expect your next outing to end in disaster. However, slip and falls claim hundreds of lives across the country, and those who survive often suffer life-altering injuries that aren’t just painful but also incredibly expensive to treat.

If you were hurt on someone else’s property, you might be thinking of taking legal action against the owner. However, as this is likely the first time you’ve been faced with the prospect of filing a personal injury claim, you might be wondering if you have a compelling case on your hands—or a lawsuit that’s destined to fail.

Thankfully, a personal injury lawyer can evaluate your claim to determine whether you have grounds to take action. Here are a few common signs that your case might have what it takes to go the distance:

1. The Accident Happened on Someone Else’s Property

If you were injured on your own premises, it’s unlikely—unless a negligent contractor or reckless maintenance company is to blame—that you will be able to recover compensation. Ultimately, the responsibility to maintain your property to a reasonably safe standard falls squarely on your shoulders.

However, if you were hurt while on someone else’s property, this does open the door to taking legal action.

2. The Accident Was Preventable

To succeed in a slip and fall case, you must show that the property owner was negligent and that their negligence led to the accident. For example, if the owner was made aware of a faulty handrailing but neglected to take any steps to remove the hazard which later caused your injuries, you may be able to hold them accountable for the damages you suffered.

3. The Accident Caused Result in an Injury

Not all slips, trips, and falls lead to serious injuries, with many resulting in just a few scrapes, bumps, and bruises. While you might’ve been left traumatized by this encounter, it’s unlikely that an insurance company will pay out for injuries that don’t require any treatment. However, if you were left seriously injured—i.e., you required care in the wake of the accident—you may have grounds to pursue compensation.

4. The Accident Led to Damages

To recover compensation, you will need to show that you suffered actual losses as a result of the slip and fall. Recoverable damages can include your medical bills, replacement services, lost wages, diminished earning potential, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. However, your insurer will need to see proof of the losses you incurred, so you should make sure to compile any associated invoices, receipts, bills, and estimates to share with your attorney during the initial consultation.

Discuss Your Case with a Las Vegas Slip and Fall Attorney Today

Not sure whether you have grounds to file a slip and fall claim? Turn to the legal team at Maier Gutierrez & Associates.

We can assess your case as part of a free consultation to determine whether it has merit. If you choose to hire us, our Nevada slip and fall attorneys will grab the reins, overseeing the logistics of your case so that you can get back to focusing on your health. Contact us today at 702-629-7900 or head over to our Contact Page to request a case review.